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The Edward R. Kast Professional Growth Fund

Bud Kast

The Edward R. Kast教师专业成长基金通过为教师提供专业成长的手段,使日耳曼学院能够吸引和留住最优质的教师, 哪一个, ultimately, benefits the students who attend the Academy. In the spring of 1986, the school established an endowment fund in honor of former Head of School, Edward R. Kast, to achieve these goals.


The Grants Committee will consider funding the following types of requests:

  • 让教师有机会参与独立研究项目的项目.
  • 使教师能够参与其专业领域的扩展讲习班的项目.
  • 鼓励教师到其学科的发源地旅行,以扩大其教学经验的项目.
  • 项目涉及广泛的课程开发和其他有利于日耳曼学院的领域. “广泛”通常适用于整个年级水平或部门水平的课程.
  • 任何旨在促进教师专业成长并间接使学院受益的原创项目.
  • Projects related to stated goals of the Academy's Strategic Vision.
  • 与课程委员会当前工作有关的项目或学院正在推行的其他特别倡议.
Special Projects

鼓励教师和学术管理人员申请资助,发展特殊项目,以进一步提高他们在课堂上的知识和专业技能, 计划,以提高学校的目标和实现战略愿景, and plans 哪一个 sustain their individual professional and personal growth. Special projects might include any of the following:

  • Program development
  • Research studies
  • Mentor programs
  • 领导和发展GA内部的年度或长期工作小组,或与其他学校的教师合作
  • Distance learning projects
  • Development and publication of essays, poetry, short stories, books
  • Presentations at workshops or conferences
  • Exhibitions or performances
  • 访问ing scholars
  • 旅行
  • Development of summer institutes for teachers from other schools
  • Special workshops
Research and Development Kast Grants

Beginning in 2012-13, “最后的奖助金”计划已被一项单独的预算所补充,其中包括额外的5美元,000 total per year geared toward long-term, 多年的“研究和发展”,使教师能够申请资金来扩展现有的课程和课外课程,或者开发新的课程,以有意义和有意义的方式丰富GA学生的经验. 教师 members are invited to pursue special projects over multiple years.

kast grant Application and reimbursement Procedures
  1. 所有申请须经有关部门主管审阅及批准后,才会提交资助委员会审议. 高中教师需要与他们的系主任和部门负责人会面. 低年级校长将与年级协调员或系主任进行磋商.
  2. The application is available on the PD website. 申请样本可在专业发展主任办公室获得.
  3. The maximum Kast Grant request is $3,500.
  4. 所有申请须于2月7日前以书面形式递交专业发展总监. 然而, 经委员会批准,可于截止日期后提出申请, provided funds remain.
  5. The Grants Committee, consisting of the Head of School and the Division Heads, will meet between February 1 and March 1 in order to make decisions.
  6. Grant awards will be announced in March of the academic year.
  7. 申请人可能会被要求出席教育资助委员会,解释其申请或修改申请.
  8. 在项目完成后的两个月内,必须提交一份书面报告,回顾项目并解释在实现目标方面取得的进展. October 15th is the deadline for all reports. 报告必须以电子方式提交给专业发展总监.
  9. 最后的补助金获得者可以报销工作时间(或“工资”)和发生的费用. 这不会“自动”发生,您必须按照以下步骤获得报销
    • 工资, please send an email to Rachel Elwood, Beth Taylor, and Pat Terefenko, stating the 工资 for 哪一个 you have been approved and are requesting. Note that Employer FICA (7.65% of gross 工资) will be deducted.
    • expenses incurred, complete a Requisition for Payment form (found on the GA website and in the Business Office) for the amount due. 请注意,收据必须附上(或扫描)并包含在申请单中.
      • Mileage is reimbursed at $0.40 /英里
      • 收费是根据收费收据,谷歌地图打印输出,或EZ通行证声明报销
    • Reimbursement checks are printed on the 15th and last day of the month; checks will be placed in inner-office mailboxes (or mailed upon request). 在商务办公室收到所需的文件后,您将在下一次预定的付款中收到付款.

Download the Kast Grant Application

Criteria for Selection


  1. The value of the proposal to the professional growth of the teacher.
  2. The impact of the proposal on the curriculum or program at GA.
  3. The amount of money required to complete the project.
  4. The applicant's contributions overall to the Academy.
  5. All other criteria being equal, the seniority of the applicant and his or her contributions to the Academy.


See previous Kast Grant Reports